09-26-2012, 01:41 PM
OVR: 13
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: m.A.A.d City
Re: What are your feelings towards the Control Stick?
My feelings....
Now I have to spend the first week in practice mode mastering every dribble move.
^^ I have no problem with that as I'm in practice mode the first week regardless, but each day I master something and move on. The dribbling system seems easy, but with all these buttons I have to remember to use, ball fake, dunking, bounce pass, it's annoying because they just switched the controls last year (I believe) I wish there was some consistency lol.
Ill have a clear path to the lane and instead of dunking, end up doing some dribble move, me personally I'm having trouble right now cause I'm not familiar with the live dribbling system as I've been playing 2K since 2005.