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Old 01-19-2013, 06:42 PM   #570
bp4baseball's Arena
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Fact Sheet

Originally Posted by WhiteM5
50. Over 15 new batting camera’s and 5 new pitching camera views

Why no new fielding cams? I saw that the new presentation 2.0 had added cams, but what about those of us who have been waiting forever for additional static fielding cams. There seems to be quite a bit of support for people wanting more cams to see more of the field (like how HR derby reply screen is, etc.).

The game would be perfect if it had user defined fielding cam or at least another 3-4 options (like second deck cam or behind home plate, etc.)

I don't know for sure...just speculating here.

They are very close to the limit on memory so they may have had to choose between new hitting cams and fielding cams. With hitting being pretty difficult for the casual gamer, the more options you can give someone, maybe they will find a viewpoint that makes things a bit easier. I'd also be interested in the static fielding cam, but honestly I think that's something more for us sim people here, and it just comes down to space. I'm sure with the ps4 we will see plenty of new fielding cams.
"Life is like baseball, it's the number of times you arrive home safely that counts"
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