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Old 03-02-2013, 11:44 AM   #406
Stampede_94's Arena
OVR: 11
Join Date: Jun 2012
Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
It is in my personal opinion that what has needed to happen to drop the exclusive agreement has already transpired, time will tell if some of us are right. Those of us in the industry believe it may not be renewed, or at least not anywhere close to the $$$ amount last time.
If it ever ended EA would gain alot more people back imo. I would respect the fact they they know competition would drive them to make a better product. Anyone tells me that Madden is an awesome game is out of their mind. The game could be so much better compared to what's out there for this generation, and why is it not?

Peter Moore can stop talking about the Piracy issue as to why they don't make a PC version of Madden, they know a fan mod would blow them out of the water and expose how laid back their operation truly is.

For 2 Seasons now I have seen the same uniform gripes and player update complaints, presentation issues etc. and they have fallen on deaf ears. Why does EA expect me to pay for a product I have questioned along with other people on this board for a few seasons now, even heard from GC's and one of Tiburon's team, and I am still delivered nothing?

Last edited by Stampede_94; 03-02-2013 at 11:47 AM.
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