06-25-2013, 11:32 PM
Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed
Seriously I don't know why we even bother complaining for 20 years time and time again, they ruin uniforms, we see uniforms they get right, that get taken out years later, we see uniforms screwed up, we see wrong pants chosen. I know that their exuse is the NFL tell them this info. I mean come on if that was the case how do you explain the bears Orange pants?? it made headlines last year by the bears who know they never existsed!! why have the bears oranges pants in the game which they have NEVE EVER wore, in the expense of other teams actual DEFAULT uniforms that are worn 8 times a year sometimes that are NOT in the game?? I don't understand it, my theory is they do it on purpose so that next year we will say OMG they fixed the uniforms! then they screw up 2 other teams that they have right.
remember the Browns Brown pants???? they had them in the game when they were unheard of, then guess what happened??? THEY TOOK THEM OUT OF THE GAME THE YEAR THEY ACTUALLY DID WEAR THEM!! how about just keeping uniforms and build on it each other adding new ones, thats how you build a game, but EA logic has always been to take things out to recyle the monopoly franchise. it's frustrating becaue uniforms are such a easy thing to get right. where just a bunch of gamers who most of us no nothing about art and design and thease guys are paid millions who have it as a profession and can't get it right