
Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

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Old 06-21-2013, 05:44 AM   #73
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

Originally Posted by KANE699
I will be honest, I could not make it through the whole video, every teams captains patch is upside down for some reason (that is for the teams that actually managed to have to captains patches working all of a sudden)

The numbers are still too large on 70% of the teams and the kerning is still a huge issue noticeable on all teams.

I love to look at the bright side of things, but whoever did the 2012 jerseys for Madden 13 literally botched 94% of the teams jerseys.

I know you guys want this throwback and that throwback in the game but guys, they are so far off from even having the current jerseys correct that that is so far from a pressing issue at this point, all of the new belts on teams that don't use them, teams like the Chiefs and Steelers who didn't take the flywire collar but still have them in game, guys there are MASSIVE issues with just the current regular and alternate jerseys that these teams wear.

I have some renewed hope with the next gen game, for some reason it appears the uniforms are in some other peoples hands and that some good things are happening, bad news is they kept the same template from current gen which after talking to most of the art department on a regular basis over the last 3 years, is VERY VERY VERY flawed from the get go and needed to be overhauled in the first place.
You know that we all appreciate your input, Kane. It just blows my mind that with so many forums and so many people pointing out the obvious flaws that they still get so many things wrong.

The current gen has been a total and complete disaster for football - not even Madden 25 or NCAA '14 can save it - but next-gen really needs to address the little things as well as the game-play issues - and getting the uniforms correct is a major part of that.

We know for a fact that they come to OS and read this board... that's what makes this even more sad and more inexcusable.
Dr Death
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Old 06-21-2013, 01:24 PM   #74
405Cowboy's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

Same uniforms more or less.

Why the hell can't EA just add the ROAD WHITE THROWBACKS into the game? My goodness PS2 had them why not PS3???

They have some road throwbacks in but not for all of the teams. I'd rather play as the Jets in the 1985 home/away set or with the Buccaneers in the creamsicle home/away set.

You would think that since this is the 25th Anniversary they would add MORE THROBACKS!!!
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Old 06-22-2013, 01:43 PM   #75
cherman24's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

Originally Posted by 405Cowboy
Same uniforms more or less.

Why the hell can't EA just add the ROAD WHITE THROWBACKS into the game? My goodness PS2 had them why not PS3???

They have some road throwbacks in but not for all of the teams. I'd rather play as the Jets in the 1985 home/away set or with the Buccaneers in the creamsicle home/away set.

You would think that since this is the 25th Anniversary they would add MORE THROBACKS!!!
I, like many of us here, am a uniform nerd. I cannot say anything but it's due to 1) being lazy 2) no competition and 3) you can sell uniform packs

Heck, in the PS2, the all-star game had each person's individual helmet.
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:59 PM   #76
bigdfan76's Arena
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Cowboys different blues are still messed up. They will probably still get black accessories like last year.
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Old 06-25-2013, 03:52 AM   #77
Jibbler's Arena
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Re: Madden 25 All Uniforms

Looks like no Colts Blue Pants alt?
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:40 AM   #78
BTownSlinger's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

Am I the only one that noticed the monster lag/freeze during the Jags?

Also, for me, (Jets) it's the same as last years. And the year before. Same art. Numbers too scrunched IMO.
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Old 06-25-2013, 11:32 PM   #79
Jibbler's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

Seriously I don't know why we even bother complaining for 20 years time and time again, they ruin uniforms, we see uniforms they get right, that get taken out years later, we see uniforms screwed up, we see wrong pants chosen. I know that their exuse is the NFL tell them this info. I mean come on if that was the case how do you explain the bears Orange pants?? it made headlines last year by the bears who know they never existsed!! why have the bears oranges pants in the game which they have NEVE EVER wore, in the expense of other teams actual DEFAULT uniforms that are worn 8 times a year sometimes that are NOT in the game?? I don't understand it, my theory is they do it on purpose so that next year we will say OMG they fixed the uniforms! then they screw up 2 other teams that they have right.

remember the Browns Brown pants???? they had them in the game when they were unheard of, then guess what happened??? THEY TOOK THEM OUT OF THE GAME THE YEAR THEY ACTUALLY DID WEAR THEM!! how about just keeping uniforms and build on it each other adding new ones, thats how you build a game, but EA logic has always been to take things out to recyle the monopoly franchise. it's frustrating becaue uniforms are such a easy thing to get right. where just a bunch of gamers who most of us no nothing about art and design and thease guys are paid millions who have it as a profession and can't get it right
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Old 06-26-2013, 02:41 AM   #80
ForUntoOblivionSoar∞'s Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - All Uniforms Revealed

Originally Posted by The Duke
we can identify that certain colours are correct with these off-camera vids, why cant we identify that certain colours are wrong?
some colours are clearly wrong in these videos.

the 49ers helmets are a tad concerning. a widely recognisable feature of a premier and iconic franchise and they seem to be completely ignorant of it. do they watch the sport at all?
I would say the answer is NO, they do not. If you fill out a job application for Tiburon, there is a requirement that you be a gamer, but NOWHERE does it say it is a requirement to be an NFL fan (or any sports fan at all).

These guys are clearly NOT sports or NFL fans other than the incidental exposure they have had working on Madden.

It's as you pointed out with the 49ers: here we have an iconic franchise whose very icon is the color gold, and yet instead of the gold helmets they have given them tan. And think I know exactly why: They are going off of a two dimensional picture of the logo, using the drop tool to pic up the color, and pasting it on the model. They are NOT looking at actual film to make sure the helmet is right. Why? Because the 49ers were not a concern to them. And why that? Because the only team they were extremely concerned about is the Redskins... because RGIII has sold the most jerseys. Because it's not about getting the NFL right. That's only an incidental concern that only comes up when discussing sales and popularity.

The NFL is a secondary concern to them, I am almost certain. They are all gamers first, and NFL fans only incidentally. That is, and has been, the very thing wrong with Madden all this time. Their priority in their life is video games. The NFL is just a type of video game to them. If the Madden team is ever really going to turn a corner, they need guys who are NFL fans FIRST, and video game fans only incidentally.

When that starts to happen, when instead of guys like Ian Cummings who grew up in Tennessee and hopped on the Titans bandwagon, they have more guys like Kane699, who is a diehard Cowboy fan, that will be the time that Madden starts faithfully representing the NFL.
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