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Old 10-26-2013, 04:56 AM   #14
geisterhome's Arena
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Originally Posted by simgamer0005
30 FPS? I think this is one of the biggest problems with current-gen gaming. So many games on the 360 and PS3 are released at 30 FPS. With motion blur? 30 FPS with motion blur is not as good as 60 FPS.

Especially in a combat sports game, where physics really matter. I can understand that a game like GTA V is 30 FPS, but games like this should be 60 FPS. I believe it really affects the experience.

There is "less room for error with the animations when you crank the framerate up that high"? Wouldn't the right decision be to make the animations look better at 60 FPS? I'm hoping that the PC version will be 60 FPS, we're in 2013 and games are still getting released at 30 FPS? With motion blur? Seriously? Don't you guys agree that games running at 60 FPS are so much more realistic? You feel like you have more actual control over the player's movements, rather then kind of guessing the timing when it comes to blocking and stuff at 30 FPS.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather play a game at 480p or 720p if it's 60 FPS, rather than 1080p at 30 FPS. There's been such a push for higher resolutions on HD TVs and it's like they forgot about the actual frame rate, you know one of the most important aspects to a video game.
I find 480p and 720p unacceptable nowadays, not saying the game shouldnt run at 60fps but then they should rather find another way to make it possible.

however as it says in the text the game is actually running at 60fps but the output will be 30, not entirely sure what that means though, but to me it sounds like performance problems arent the reason and its rather a design decision.
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