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Old 11-25-2013, 10:08 PM   #8
OVR: 1
Join Date: Nov 2002
Re: Ideas for fixing playe roles (without the trolling)

I think that the easiest fix would be to keep track of the expected role when signed. For instance, Omar Asik signed expecting to be the starting center, when his role was reduced due to Dwight's signing he has become unhappy. If NBA 2K keep track of the role when signed vs the active role Asik would become unhappy because is role is less than it was expected to be.

Granted this becomes a little more difficult over multiple seasons, ie a rookie getting better than an experience vet, but I think this could be negated by a simple comparison, if player A was signed as a prospect as a 68 overall and player B is starter at a 82 overall. If player A becomes > than 5 points better than player B then player A would become unhappy because he would realize that he is a much better player and should be starting. Player B then depending on his personality could become unhappy because the reduction in role.

This expected role could be a customizable role I the default roster, so I could change Kobe Bryant to bench warmer is I wanted to. Granted this opens it up for abuse, but I believe the players that care about this would not abuse this and the people that do that's fine its their choice.

To go along with this I think a Franchise direction is needed, and depending on the direction would depend on which deals the computer would look at. This would also be customizable in the default roster. Depending on the owner's rating would determine how long they would put up with a rebuilding situation. For instance, you could change the Knicks to be rebuilding but the owner may only allow this direction for less than 2 years, if you go farther than that, you risk losing your job. The direction of the franchise would determine signings and trades, so that a rebuilding team doesn't trade their first round pick unless its for LeBron.

I think a negative value should be assigned to certain players/contracts. Not every player should have a 1 star value in a trade. More players are included in trades because of their contract than anything basketball related. But these filler players are not accounted for in 2K.

Sorry I got off topic from player roles, but all of these points are aimed at making MyGM mode the best it can be.
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