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Old 11-28-2013, 03:59 PM   #32
OVR: 8
Join Date: Mar 2008
Re: VC ratio is ridiculous.

Originally Posted by patchwork
I personally dgaf about this VC uproar. I always spend $20-$40 dollars every year extra to purchase some VC and I spend it how I see fit. I mean, yes it sucks that you have to do that to fully enjoy the game but it doesn't really hurt my pockets.

But then again, I am employed full time and spending $80-$100 dollars a year on a game I fully enjoy for a good 10-12 months is good enough for me. My reasoning is that spending $80 to $100 a year on NBA 2k will in turn save me thousands by staying home and playing the game and not going out to the bar every other day to spend $100 dollars or so a night.

I can empathize with the rest of y'all but for me, this VC thing is almost a non issue. One way or another, everyone will soon have to accept that this is the new wave of gaming. It does suck but no matter how hard you guys cry and make noise about this, I just don't see any developers changing their stance on this. Micro-transactions is a very lucrative market and it's looking like that is where the future of gaming is going.
You confused the cause with the effect
Developer will not change their stance as long as people like you will keep giving them extra-money for micro-transactions

By the way, I like the "I always spend $20-$40 dollars every year extra to purchase some VC". Sounds like VC has been here for the last 5 years

Last edited by franzis; 11-28-2013 at 04:01 PM.
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