Thread: Tag Teams
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Old 12-13-2013, 07:32 PM   #3
BrianM207's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: Tag Teams

Yeah, I recall Cena and Orton being thrown together in mine as well. Was it 12 maybe? I remember the movie 'Legendary' had just come out adn thats what I ended up calling them...also I think it was the year before, when Ziggler & Swagger were together, Cena turned heel in the first week and joined them....

I've put a few older teams and stables together in mine too...

I did B.O.D. and Rock N Sock...I split up Million $ Corp(kinda-I took out Bundy and Andre and put I.R.S. and Virgil-when hes available-in there and changed it to Money Inc.). I put Andre and Bundy with Henning, Studd and Rude(when hes available)and did The Heenen Family.

I reformed the Nation with Mark Henry as the leader and with David Otunga and The Prime Time Players...they've been trying to recruit Kofi and Big E.

And I'm working on a team with Ziggler and Sandow as well.
Let's Go Mets!!!
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