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Old 01-10-2014, 05:41 PM   #10
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Originally Posted by acolbert
I've saw a few of Angry Joes reviews. Not my cup of tea.

I stopped listening to reviews. Now I just buy the game and if I don't like it I give to one of my nephews or a kid at church.

I'm at a place in life now where 65 bucks isn't really a big deal if I don't like a game BUT IT HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE so I can understand the outrage if you don't like the game and we're expecting more.

I'm loving this game and it's been my favorite launch title.

just my 2 cents..
I think we all know at it's core, Madden is Madden, so to be honest if 60 bucks is a big investment to you, and you buy Madden knowing what it is, you don't have much to stand on when it comes to outrage.

I enjoy the game in spurts. There are a lot of things I would love to see fixed, improved or flat out changed, but I have a hard time taking a guy screaming non-sense at the top of his lungs about how Madden is amongst the worst games of the year, seriously.
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