
Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

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Old 01-10-2014, 05:40 PM   #9
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

The over the top style and NSFW turned me off right away.

Valid opinions, sure, but they aren't opinions we haven't heard before.

Last edited by roadman; 01-10-2014 at 05:55 PM.
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Old 01-10-2014, 05:41 PM   #10
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Originally Posted by acolbert
I've saw a few of Angry Joes reviews. Not my cup of tea.

I stopped listening to reviews. Now I just buy the game and if I don't like it I give to one of my nephews or a kid at church.

I'm at a place in life now where 65 bucks isn't really a big deal if I don't like a game BUT IT HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE so I can understand the outrage if you don't like the game and we're expecting more.

I'm loving this game and it's been my favorite launch title.

just my 2 cents..
I think we all know at it's core, Madden is Madden, so to be honest if 60 bucks is a big investment to you, and you buy Madden knowing what it is, you don't have much to stand on when it comes to outrage.

I enjoy the game in spurts. There are a lot of things I would love to see fixed, improved or flat out changed, but I have a hard time taking a guy screaming non-sense at the top of his lungs about how Madden is amongst the worst games of the year, seriously.
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Old 01-10-2014, 05:45 PM   #11
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

I actually think he had a lot of very valid points. Look at all of the things that were in 2K8 that Madden on a next gen console still can't do. It's sad when you think about it.

He didn't have to yell at me the entire time though.
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Old 01-10-2014, 06:26 PM   #12
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Madden blows...As bad as it is, it is all there is..Monopoly's suck..And yes, this is a form of a monopoly, so please save any comments that oppose, by using the micro level definition differences between a monopoly and exclusive right, to yourself...
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Old 01-10-2014, 06:36 PM   #13
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
Madden blows...As bad as it is, it is all there is..Monopoly's suck..And yes, this is a form of a monopoly, so please save any comments that oppose, by using the micro level definition differences between a monopoly and exclusive right, to yourself...
I have Never been an ardent defender of Madden but at least back up your opinion with valid points. Madden does have some redeeming qualities. Ultimate Team is a great mode. Yes they borrowed it from another EA Franchise but Madden Ultimate team has really taken off. The Gameplay is pretty decent and the graphics are nice. Sure it wasn't what we were expecting graphically but Madden has done a much better job on This launch then they did the last time they launched on a new generation of Consoles.

We're all pissed off that Madden has an exclusive license. I for one would like to have the option to pick between games. But you pointing out the obvious does not help the situation. Not to come off as standoffish but if you have nothing noteworthy to contribute to the conversation don't post.

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Old 01-10-2014, 06:43 PM   #14
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Originally Posted by 24
I have Never been an ardent defender of Madden but at least back up your opinion with valid points. Madden does have some redeeming qualities. Ultimate Team is a great mode. Yes they borrowed it from another EA Franchise but Madden Ultimate team has really taken off. The Gameplay is pretty decent and the graphics are nice. Sure it wasn't what we were expecting graphically but Madden has done a much better job on This launch then they did the last time they launched on a new generation of Consoles.

We're all pissed off that Madden has an exclusive license. I for one would like to have the option to pick between games. But you pointing out the obvious does not help the situation. Not to come off as standoffish but if you have nothing noteworthy to contribute to the conversation don't post.
You failed to back up your opinion with anything valid - valid would mean references...Thanks for nothing new. anyway, I am sure I am interrupting your job of deciding what is a worthy post or not...As you were.

My reference? Should I link the majority of threads in this forum? The video at the beginning of this particular thread?

Last edited by 4thQtrStre5S; 01-10-2014 at 06:46 PM.
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Old 01-10-2014, 07:06 PM   #15
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Originally Posted by 24
I have Never been an ardent defender of Madden but at least back up your opinion with valid points. Madden does have some redeeming qualities. Ultimate Team is a great mode. Yes they borrowed it from another EA Franchise but Madden Ultimate team has really taken off. The Gameplay is pretty decent and the graphics are nice. Sure it wasn't what we were expecting graphically but Madden has done a much better job on This launch then they did the last time they launched on a new generation of Consoles.

We're all pissed off that Madden has an exclusive license. I for one would like to have the option to pick between games. But you pointing out the obvious does not help the situation. Not to come off as standoffish but if you have nothing noteworthy to contribute to the conversation don't post.

Which game had ultimate team first? Madden 12 was the first year for the madden series.

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Old 01-10-2014, 07:28 PM   #16
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Re: Angry Joe put Madden (next gen) on list of 10 worst games of 2013

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
You failed to back up your opinion with anything valid - valid would mean references...Thanks for nothing new. anyway, I am sure I am interrupting your job of deciding what is a worthy post or not...As you were.

My reference? Should I link the majority of threads in this forum? The video at the beginning of this particular thread?
Your not contributing anything to the discussion by Saying Madden sucks it's a monopoly. That has been posted countless times before. Everyone understands that EA has monopolized NFL gaming. Your beating a dead horse.

I happen to think Madden is a pretty good game. I certainly enjoy it. Many people like it.

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