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Old 02-15-2014, 10:45 PM   #4
CaseIH's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Sep 2013
Re: PS4 The Show 14 - Trade Logic Improved?

Originally Posted by Comp625
The Show is the most realistic and in-depth sports video game franchise that I've ever played. Improved graphics, enhanced audio, and tweaked ball physics are critical ingredients for game sales. Yet, I am disappointed every year about how the CPU Trade Logic (or lack thereof). It is very annoying to self-manage trades for all teams...

Does anyone know if The Show '14 will feature improved CPU trade logic?
I think every year they tweak trade logic, so my guess is this year they did again. I dont think it will ever be perfect, as I am sure its something that very hard to code into any sport game. Thankfully we have the ability to control all teams, without having to actually control everything with every team. Not sure why a lot of people struggle to understand that by using 30 team control does not mean you have to control everything involved with each organization. You can do as much or as little as you want, and imo if you like your franchise to replicate real life or close to it the only way to go is 30 team control. What I do is leave everything to auto but watch trades offered and if I dont thing its realistic I nix it before it happens.
Everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted- Luke14-11

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MLB- Reds/ and whoever is playing the Cubs
NBA- Pacers
NFL- Dolphins & Colts
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