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Old 04-12-2014, 04:13 PM   #10
Madden's Jowels
Madden's Jowels's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: Fake Stadium Ads

Originally Posted by knich
Russell says that will never change. It's all about branding. Kinda like ESPN plastered all over stadium during its broadcasts.

ESPN doesn't superimpose its logo on the Green Monster during broadcasts lol. I don't see why they couldn't put it in each stadium in 1 or 2 spots instead of a million. It's already the name of the broadcast, which also kills immersion but I know it's something they can't change because they're never going to shell out the money to use a broadcast license from a real network. But hearing the broadcast team say "MLB The Show" over and over, plus the walls plastered with it everywhere, it's just overkill.

I'm bout to start a petition to see Lobster Cola introduced as a sponsor of MLB 15 The Show lol
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