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Old 05-06-2014, 01:41 AM   #28
OVR: 24
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Re: The infield ground color makes a huge difference in MLB The Show ballparks

Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant

Let me first start off by saying this. The work you do now and have done in the past for OSFM takes this game to the next level. The game wouldn't be the same without your contributions. I've been playing The Show since '07. Every single year I buy the game and I always wait to start my franchise until Knight and Co. roster's come out.

With that said, I want retractable roofs! I have for the past 5 or so years! Not ones that move, just an open and a closed. And I've heard Ramone's reasoning behind their absence from the game. Fine. I get it. And I know there was enough stuff to do this year to just release the game on PS4 sometime before the All-Star break. Which I say thank you guys! But you have to understand, for guys who play with teams that use the roof a lot, (i.e. the Astros) it's huge. Between the heat and the rain here in Houston, we probably play more games at MMP with it closed.

So please cut us retractable roof guys some slack. I want it in the game someday! Every year its in my top 3 wishlist! NO JOKE!
Retractable roofs and rainouts/delays/doubleheaders are literally my top 2 most wanted additions to the game...
And for what it's worth, my favorite teams are the Mets and Rays, so its not like the roof situation directly affects my home games

I really just feel that having open/closed roof states for the stadiums would greatly improve the game, in a lot of ways... especially in franchise mode.

There's just so many "quirks" that could come up over the course of the season if you have such an addition. And really, such oddities are a big part of baseball. It's just not baseball without 4000 variables to think about.

So I'm right there with you lol.
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