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Old 06-09-2014, 03:17 PM   #352
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Re: MLB 14 The Show OSFM Hybrid Roster - V2 Released

Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Maybe I am missing something about these rosters or just not understanding how they work, but why are people complaining about there being too much offense or not enough. Was there certain changes that lead to more offensive numbers or less? Like I said, maybe I don't understand the re-rates, but it seems to me, most slider bases that work with SECA rosters should work with these and using these rosters are not going to all of a sudden give you game after game where you are scoring 10+ runs.

Can someone explain to to me how the roster re-ratings work? I just assume you guys either lowered or raised certain ratings for players. Some were too fast, some needed better contact ratings, some needed power lowered etc... Am I wrong?
That's exactly how . . . when you lower a certain players' contact rating, he is less likely to get a hit. So when a bunch of players have their contact lowered, offense takes a hit. This is exactly what I'm noticing as well. I created a slider set that works well with the OSFM rosters, but with these hybrids, offense is at a premium right now.
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