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Old 06-13-2014, 08:36 PM   #120
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Re: EA Still Owns the NFL License Exclusively

Originally Posted by vision
I might have agreed with this five years ago, but I think the average consumer (gamer) deserves more credit. It's not that difficult to go on youtube to see the latest videos of madden, and how flawed it has been over the years. Especially in comparison to quality products like nba2k, MLB the show. We are in the golden years of the free Information age. I think the younger kids that just want to cheese you in online games may not care about the details, but most knowledgable football fans.. I believe.. Want a representative product.
I don't think anything has changed in the last 5 years except that there are tons of videos; the same types of people who didn't care about all the sim issues then still don't care about them now because they're simply a different type of person with different motivations for playing the game, and different expectations for what they want out of it.

And based on a lot of the ridiculous conversations I see at a lot of sites pertaining to the sport of football, especially on YouTube videos, I think you greatly overestimate how many knowledgeable fans there actually are. If anything, I think the average football fan today is greatly dumbed down despite their being more media available. I swear, if one more person tries to convince me that Randy Moss is better than Jerry Rice, I'm going to lose it.

Last edited by FaceMask; 06-13-2014 at 08:38 PM.
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