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Old 07-06-2014, 04:43 PM   #416
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Re: EA Still Owns the NFL License Exclusively

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
This simply isn't true, Madden has never seen the universal panning from critics that the most recent version of NBA Live did. NBA Elite released a quite obviously broken demo (where players on the court would become non-responsive) to which the response was so profoundly bad that the entire game was cancelled weeks before it shipped. Madden has never had any moment of the sort of such poor quality.

In fact, most game critics think that Madden is actually a good game. Not the best sports game on the market, but good and competent. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a game that is merely good.
Reviewers have been calling Madden a good game for years but, that doesn't make it so. Madden 09 was one of the worst football games ever with Ian Cummings coming out and saying nearly every QB in the game threw at speeds faster than Brett Favre but I'll bet you a shiny nickel it still got a bunch of reviews talking about how good it was. And there's alot of people out there who will tell you that what Madden is today compared to what it could/should be is far from "merely good".

Last edited by SamuraiX; 07-06-2014 at 04:46 PM.
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