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Old 07-10-2014, 07:39 AM   #108
PantherBeast_OS's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video & Blog - War In The Trenches 2.0

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
From what I've heard from the devs, Sim, Smitty, and Markus, they are adding new animations each year until the old ones are almost completely gone. They added new ones last year and added a ton this year for defense and catch animations. Rex talked last year how he wants to get animations to a 90 quality level.
I like where this going and all with the new Defense animations. But they shouldn't just focus on defense. They should focus on offense blocking animations as well. Look some players going to the knees to slow down the defensive guy and stuff like that. Overall I'm liking what I'm seeing. I just don't want to see the AI keep getting to the human controlled QB in about a second. The human controlled offense line gives on the play way to quick and allows the AI to slip by way to easy. Been a problem for a few years now. I really hope that is fixed. And hopefully the CB running the the WR routes before the WR runs it is fixed this year. Tired of seeing the AI CB stay step for step with my WR on every play like glue. Overall I really hope this is the year can finally play a decent Madden for more then 2 weeks.
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