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Old 07-10-2014, 01:30 PM   #142
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Video & Blog - War In The Trenches 2.0

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Black Friday and Christmas is a huge time of year for the video game industry. I'm not going to say you're wrong big picture because you are not - the general rule is that video games are going to sell the majority of the copies they will ever move within the first month of their release - but charting during the holiday season shouldn't be outright dismissed either. There's a reason that so many publishers target the holiday window with their releases.

None of these sales figures people are throwing around include Ultimate Team revenue, which last I saw grew 90% year-over-year (I think that's what I read? It was nearly double).

I'm also really not sure why sales figures keep coming up, not just in this thread but in this forum in general. Why do we care so much about how EA is doing as a company? How does this contribute to the discussion of playing Madden NFL the video game? I'm speaking here as a poster and not a moderator, to be clear; I legitimately want to know why we the Madden community should really care how well the game sells.
Because sales are the best to tell if people are legitimately unhappy with the game. Hardcore madden fans can spend hundreds on MUT. That will keep madden profitable but not tell us how many people are speaking with their wallets.

I care because I want to know how unpopular exclusivity truly is. I don't care about EAs bottom line in all honesty.
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