pure analog problems
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07-20-2014, 06:10 PM
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: pure analog problems
Originally Posted by
I am ready to throw my controller through my plasma screen if I can't figure out how to fix an issue I am having.
Unintended Check Swings instead of Full Swings. (Pure Analogue Hitting).
What the hell am I doing wrong?
I absolutely love hitting this way as opposed to pressing buttons.
My problem is that I will get my stride, swing timed PERFECTLY and then the batter stops swinging half way through (checks).
I have been VERY careful to make sure I am pushing dead nuts straight UP on the stick to swing after pulling it all the way back.
The batter's ratings make no difference as to the occurrence of this. (Even Ty Cobb with 99's in contact, plate discipline, etc.)
Somebody pleases HELP!
I just had this happen in the 9th inning of a tied RTTS game on a 2-0 hanging curve.
I also have pitches where the stride is either in super slo-mo or doesn't start at all, which gives me very late timing on the stride.
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