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Old 07-29-2014, 07:08 PM   #32
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Re: Madden NFL 15 now available for digital pre-order on PS4

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
And the smaller game, FIFA, still was seen better critically than either NBA 2K or The Show.

What we're left with is one of two things: either making great video games does not require great effort from the developer (because FIFA reviewed great and was a smaller game) or the size of a game doesn't have any bearing to the effort put into it and the quality of the final product. Drawing from my first hand experience working at an independent video game studio and making video games in clubs and on my own for the past decade or so, along with the fact that great games developed years which fit on megabyte cartridges are still great today by virtue of great game mechanics, I can tell you that the first of those two assertions is absolutely false.
The size of the game doesn't matter. It's how it plays.
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