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Old 08-31-2014, 10:07 PM   #50
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Re: Madden NFL 15: Presentation is One Step Forward, Four Steps Back

Originally Posted by TreyIM2
Definitely believe that this title is exaggerated but like someone mentioned earlier, one thing about presentation is the repalys showing such zoomed in shots most times. Need varying broadcast can angles thrown in. The qb intro needs variations with the qb 'trot in' animation cuz they all do the same exact thing with the trot and hand clap. Overall, with the presentation, I just want more variation in everything so we don't see the same animations and cuts so frequently.
I agree with all of that.

With the QB run-outs, it's: run funny; put your head down and start shaking your head halfway to the huddle; clap your hands; hunch of over.

No variety.

Originally Posted by TreyIM2
The commentary just needs a whole new system or lesser known voice actors so they can pay them less and work them more to give more commentary that far varied than what's there, now. Otherwise, I'm good with this Madden. Great step in right direction.
The biggest issue with commentary is how it's being written and programmed, and that's evidenced by all of the strange generic lines. They've recorded tons of last names and all the team names, yet in situations where they should be said a generic line is spoken instead. Here are some examples:

"The defense lines up in..." = wrong

"The Cowboys line up in..." = right

Kicker comes out to kick a 47 yard field goal, nothing is said = wrong

"Smith in to attempt a 47 yard field goal" = right

"The quarterback made an excellent throw there" = wrong

"Manning made an excellent throw there" = right (2K football had great system in place to handle this exact type of line and it was smooth)

There are all sorts of spots like that. Bringing in full-time guys will get you more lines, but it won't fix the script-writing or the programming that's holding a lot of things back.

Last edited by FaceMask; 08-31-2014 at 10:10 PM.
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