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Old 09-04-2014, 12:03 AM   #15
T5063's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Re: Eliminating Pink In October...

Originally Posted by Dr Death
Trying my best to be nice and obey the rules of this site, let me just say that I am fully aware of WHY they wear pink. And let me also say that I have lost a relative to breast cancer and have a friend whose mother has gone through it.

All that said, pink doesn't look good on ANY freaking uniform, particularly in the NFL! When you see teams like the Raiders, Steelers, Bengals, Saints, Panthers, Bears and Ravens - you know - teams that have black - or close to black (Bears) - as a major part of their uniform, pink just looks really... insert your own derogative word here. When you see teams that have red as their primary color, the pink clashes in such a horrible way that it makes watching the game darn near impossible.

Now, what you - in all your infinite wisdom - are probably not aware of, is that the NFL makes a TON of $$$ every year off of sales of pink shirts, hats, jerseys and everything else to show the world how much they "care" about this sensitive issue, however, of the money they make selling pink-colored NFL gear, less than 5% of that actually goes to HELP breast cancer research, victims or studies.

This is all Roger Goodell, who is one of the greediest ############# on the planet. So for me personally, when I see all this pink on a football field, I am reminded of his attempt to look like a caring person, when in fact it's just a money-making scheme for him and since he answers to the owners, them too.

We spend half the year waiting for football, then 4 weeks out of the year we get to see something like this:

Yeah, that looks real good.

So please, save your soapbox for someone else. I know what the pink is supposed to represent, but it doesn't belong on an NFL field in NFL uniforms of which NONE have pink as a primary, secondary or third color.

How about the NFL find another way to honor women who deal with this or who have died from this??? Something that actually has significance would be a nice start!
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