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Old 09-10-2014, 09:10 PM   #27
D* B**rs!
Boilerbuzz's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K15 Technical Foul Detail

Originally Posted by Rashidi
Honestly not a fan of this, and disappointed to see it back. Is the game going to display timeouts on the screen? It's very easy to lose track or even mis-click.

This frankly never happens at the professional level and does not belong in an NBA game. It's a video game for a reason. What is this adding at a competitive level? Is the CPU ever going to make this mistake? No. It's just there to screw the user up, as if the AI cheating weren't enough.
Seriously? Yes, based on the Gamescon footage, the game DOES show you your TOR. But did you seriously just say this doesn't happen in the NBA? Wow. It HAS happened in the NBA. I can't remember when. But lets say, it didn't. You know why it doesn't? Because NBA coaches pay attention to the number of timeouts left. Now, maybe you're not one of those "I have to control EVERYTHING. I don't want the game to do anything for me" control freaks. But to complain that the game observes a rule under any circumstances goes against the main mantra of this site of being all about being SIM. If you don't like it, pay attention to your timeouts. It's just that simple. To claim it's just there to screw the user is off base. It's there to observe a rule. If a user is too lazy to look at the scorebug for his TOR, then how is that on the game? It takes LESS than a second. A THOUSAND times less time it took for you to type that post.

Last edited by Boilerbuzz; 09-10-2014 at 09:20 PM.
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