Ha, not to delve too far off topic and I understand this will deviate from popular thought, but I'm not too phased by standard television. When I visit my family, they have HDTV's and they look fantastic, clearly superior to standard, and I play games in HD when I'm there. But it doesn't take much for me to re-adjust back to standard when I return home. The actual gaming experience tends to be the same for me.
There's all those folks out there who always say, "Who cares about graphics?! It's all about gameplay!" I've never been that guy, but I guess I'm living it. Actually, even on standard television, graphics still look incredible, just not as incredible as they can. Still, it's been enough for me. As long as I have a functioning standard, the only reason I'd contemplate an HD upgrade would be if it were required for a new gaming system (which it mostly is for PS4). Even then, I've been looking into cheap converters that'd allow me to stay standard so as to avoid dropping the cash that'd come with buying a new HD alongside HD cable.