Rules Clarification Going Forward
Yes this is a new Madden and it has a renewed emphasis on defense, I get that. But even with that being the case, owners should not be utilizing/abusing the same plays on offense and defense just because they "work." There's no reason to call 5 different plays on defense and those 5 plays cover approximately 40-50 defensive snaps, that's not sim. It's well understood that most people cannot push the football up the field anymore with bombs, I understand that also. But the game also teaches you in Skills Trainer how to defeat coverages.
With that being the case, I'll state the following: You are NOT to abuse screens to move down the field. There are many options available to you. These playbooks are vast so there's no excuse. Also, at this point, I'm no longer expecting to see anyone running or swerving with the left analog. When in the red zone, you are not to abuse any type of particular play that can guarantee any type of automatic touchdowns (Fade Routes in the end zone, etc).
Also, and this is most important because it's highly debated: User Switching. This is one of the few leagues that allows you to switch. But within that, there are gray areas to this rule. You aren't allowed to user catch everything or on certain routes or situations to save a pass from possibly being picked off. On defense, you are NOT to switch to pick off every pass. Honestly, about 60 percent of the league switches, but there are only a handful of people who will "abuse" this rule. If that continues, then going forward "User Catching/Switching" may be banned.
Also, if you have a complaint... record it on your Game DVR. There are multiple ways to do this and is as simple as "Xbox Record That" if you see an infraction. It means alot going forward as we try to clean up these "gray areas" where certain things are taken for granted or "abused." Instead of a "He say, she say" type of thing, bring legitimate evidence to the table and punishment can be meted out accordingly. So with that being said, make sure you all read this going forward because if this continues, there will be suspensions of players, possibly being put on auto or worst case scenario, being removed from the league. It's up to you as owners going forward as to how the league should go. You can either continue to have "freedom" and mess it up, or, we will adopt the rules of other leagues, which seems to be the norm. I'm not singling out anyone, this is for the entire league.
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Last edited by TheTruth1566; 09-22-2014 at 05:17 PM.