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Old 09-23-2014, 11:36 AM   #40
stillfeelme's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: NBA 2K15 Player Ratings Revealed For the 76th Overall Rated Player Through 100

Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
Every player quoted in the post I responded to is extremely skilled but injury plagued. I'm talking about specifically when making ratings for a new year. Once the season starts, attributes will be modified frequently to represent how players are playing
Can you give any more details? Like 80% of the ratings from last year 15% year two years ago and 5% from 3 years ago? I do agree with using multiple years when players are injured though. What about tendencies does that follow the same logic? I guess I see what you are trying to keep guys that had record years from really receiving all the benefit of that when they haven't shown that for multiple seasons when starting an MyLeague. Can't say I fully agree with that though.
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