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Old 09-30-2014, 03:26 PM   #427
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Money99's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by m_maclean24
I just got an email survey from EA about NHL 15. When I saw it I was a bit excited, I felt like I was going to be able to express my feelings on the game, and that it may be taken into account somehow, somewhere - it asked me to please participate to help the developers make a better game for me and for others. Well when I got to question 1, how am I enjoying the game, and what would I do to change it, I gave a 2, and outlined a number of concerns, specifically around the AI and lack of modes...I assumed there would be more questions....the only other question was if I would recommend the game to a other spot for comments...nothing....This "survey" again reinforces to me that EA really does not care one iota about what consumers want in this game. A two question survey? Really? What meaningful data is this going to give them?
It may have cut off further questions depending on how you answered Q1?
I know I had a survey about one of their games once, but after I answered that I didn't own the game (I had only rented it), the survey came to an abrupt end.
So maybe by giving it a '2', they figured this person's not being serious so end the survey?
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