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Old 10-13-2014, 09:32 PM   #792
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Re: ***Official NBA 2K15 Impressions Thread***

Originally Posted by jayman504
Besides the BS shot clock cheese that the CPU loves to pull off....certain other lil things they also seem to do "cheapen" the user experience.

1. Has anybody gotten a steal as the CPU pulls of dribble moves? Often dribbling right through my players hands?

2. Human player picks up a loose ball on D and try's to push the ball(with GSW no less) NOPE! your player seems to be stuck in mud while defence gets back.

really trying to enjoy this but sometimes can be quite difficult..
The amount of speed and acceleration "boosts" the AI gets is unbelievable. Next time there's a loose ball, watch how slow you and your players react, while the AI literally warps to the ball and snatches it out of the air.

While you try to initiate a fast break, your guy hunches over and is running in mud while the AI gets shot out of a cannon back on defense.

AI controlled players jumping and warping over 4 of your in position players to grab an offensive board, and go directly back up while you're still stuck on the ground.

These are glaring issues that just take away from the experience.
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