NBA Live 15 Staff Impressions Ahead of Release Day
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10-28-2014, 05:25 PM
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Re: NBA Live 15 Staff Impressions Ahead of Release Day
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Exactly the over abundance is my issue NO game is perfect...but when the a.i. determines that its going to steal the ball at all costs and pulls a "indiana jones temple of doom" on me and takes the ball by sticking his hand through my chest...
we have issues..
..especially if it happens repeatedly in the course of one game.....
Seriously happens too MUCH...after every play I just check instant replay and theirs issues real time it looks great in some cases but go manually check instant replay its like wdf...its like the game is cutting corners to try to look fluid in realtime....that might be why no 5 on 5 footage was shown because slowed down its baaaaaaaaaaaad...I just played nets vs cavs POST PATCH and manually instant replayed after every bucket in the 1st minute of the 1st quarter ....this is what was recorded...(over 5 clippings in that short span)
NBA Live 15 Nets vs Cavs 1st quarter clippings (1s:
I've seen less in this game than any other title this year, including the Indiana Jones moment. That's not to say its acceptable, because it's not, especially not to a high level of occurrence.
For what it's worth, you should probably throw this in the Bugs & Glitches post. You'll probably get a better response there. I've already forwarded it on. If you watched any of my streams, I don't see this stuff nearly as prominent. Are you on X1 or PS4? I wonder if it's tuned any differently on each platform?
I know when I played on X1 earlier in the cycle, they had it tuned really well. I'm assuming it's a small tweak that needs to be made.
Regardless, I've passed it along. Throw it in the Bugs & Glitches thread though so it's recorded there too.
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