Just my .02 but I don't think this is by design at all, I think it is an unexpected byproduct of years and years of crappy code on top of more crappy code. At this point I don't think they have any idea how to fix any of this because they have no idea what effects what. It's too much of a mish mosh of original coding, patches, updates, attempted fixes, and who knows what else, all thrown together. I really believe the only way they will ever get any of this to work like it is supposed to is to start over from scratch. But we all know that isn't going to happen until they lose the stranglehold on the NFL license, because currently they are required to put the game out every year. As a result they will never devote the time and manpower required to rewrite the game. They would rather use those resources to add worthless "features" to the game so they can hype it for the new release. In the end that only compounds the coding issue which becomes more and more of a cluster.