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Old 01-15-2015, 06:06 PM   #9
stlducks's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: What is the SIM style of football?

A lot of these "rules" are just stupid. You may never score over 50 pts? Can never score 14+ than your opponent? What if they are terrible? Just kneel when you are about to score?

Sim style means, don't throw hail marys non stop, don't use glitch plays and don't scramble 15 yards behind the line just to throw a bomb with your QB on every play. People pick fast QB's and do hail marys so the defense is 20 yards down field, then scramble all game and it is boring.

But using PA every time = not cheese, Oregon does it almost every pass
Going for it on 4th down around midfield = not cheese, again Oregon does it often.
Fake FG's - not cheese, defense should be ready and it's an offensive risk.
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SF 49ers - Back to the top (Madden 23)
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