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Old 01-29-2015, 10:00 PM   #398
7 dirty words...
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Fact Sheet - Gameplay Reveal Scheduled For February 5th on Twitch

Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
I'm in a weird spot right now. Yes, the fact sheet is impressive because they added a lot, but none of my biggest wishes seemed to make it in.

I am an exclusive franchise mode guy. Don't get me wrong, what was added was great but it was not what I was hoping for.

I'll wait until the franchise stream is released to pass final judgement.

There is one thing I saw that actually made me sad though: Player Salary guide. What is this?
I hope it is not a "helper" that tells the user how much a player is worth or anything like that.

For me part of the fun of a franchise is signing a guy to later realize you drastically overpaid him (hi Nick Markakis and your $15 mill/year salary I gave you, hope you enjoy it).
Well, in fairness even if it were what you describe -you could always just not use it.
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