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Old 06-17-2015, 01:42 AM   #58
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Re: Madden NFL 16 Video - Draft Champions Walkthrough and Gameplay (GT Reviews)

Originally Posted by pantherfan_forever17
It was mentioned in the video of what skill level they were playing on and rex talked about the players on defense for the cpu being rated in the 70s and how 90 players (the ones making those catches) would look ten times better than them.

Yes we only have one video to go by and won't know everything until it hits retails and we can play it ourselves. And like most sports games you have to tweak it to your skill level using sliders. Some people forget that this is a video game and certain things cannot be done to make it real as possible. It isn't as easy as pushing a button and oh there it is. Realism! sorry doesn't fly. Lots of coding, research, trial and error, etc. damn now you got me defending madden. Ugh. I just hate entitled gamers. "You know it should be this easy!!!" I don't see you making games. Hard work goes into things.
So basically, because his view doesn't line up with yours, he's "entitled".

And because a developers job is hard, he--the consumer who literally helps the developer make a living--has no right to criticize the developers work? Are you serious? I find that line of thinking totally absurd.

I develop games for a living and have for quite some time, and yep, it's hard, but that has nothing to do with anything. He--the gamer--has every right to criticize because without the gamer there is no game, there is no industry, there is nothing. The gamers keeps this ship afloat, not the developers, and I make sure to stay aware of that every single day and be grateful that the gamers are out there spending money to help me survive, and as long as they keep doing that they can keep criticizing my work as much as they want and I'm going to try to make it better for them based on that criticism because that's my job.
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