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Old 08-09-2015, 05:10 PM   #56
SolidSquid's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Aug 2014
Re: How many animations for ' Aggressive Catch '?

Originally Posted by roadman
Wasn't Rex trying to point out that if Ginn Jr and DHB, if they go up for spectacular catches, their traits would kick in and might not come down with the catch?

Did I interpret that incorrectly?

Also, I don't think the sky would be falling if they caught a spectacular catch every so often?
I interpreted it the same way, the point I'm trying to make is that in the gameplay videos we have seen so far, every WR seems to be capable of coming up with these catches at a high rate. Now idk if it's bc of the difficulty level or bc the game was/is still being tuned, but I'd like to see rating play much more of a role. Now as it was already mentioned we have to wait to get the game to see, I was just trying to engage in discussion not saying any one person is right or wrong.
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