08-25-2015, 05:51 PM
Re: Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions
This is the first madden I brought since Madden 10. I borrowed the last two from a friend. Madden 16 is fantastic. Sure there are some things I don't like (warp DL tackles on RB's) but overall this madden is easily best since Madden 05 in my eyes. I love the new passing control and it's nice to see great WR/DB interactions. Also No super LB's!
As a FIFA player and especialy FUT, MUT is so much better it's not even funny. Control wise the menus in it and editing your team is clunky. Like why can't I just edit a lineup from scratch? Outside of those little gripes. MUT is far superior over FUT. I really love the fact there are tons of Solo challenges and opportunities to get coins and good players. FUT seems way more grind-y. Also, Draft Champions being a free mode opposed to FUT draft charging 15k coins or 300 FIFA points is another plus for Madden.
I have yet to delve into Franchise, but from what I read the training still seems pretty deep. I just wish we could create draft classes ala NBA 2k.
With all this said, Madden 16 is by far my favorite in over 10 years. This game captures the greatness that early to mid 2000s madden's had on the field. With MUT being so addictive I see madden cut into my FIFA time this year easily (I played 1300 hours of FIFA last year).
If I had to put a number on it 8.8/10
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