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Old 09-11-2015, 04:29 AM   #111
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: Greg Anthony Joins Kevin Harlan and Clark Kellogg as Commentary Team in NBA 2K16

Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Had no clue who Stacey King was. Thought King might have been female so I did a youtube search. People keep hyping up this and that announcer and they never live up to the hype. But Stacey is definitely some funny stuff. But you definitely need a more grounded announcer to balance things out and at least commentate on the action on the court.

Stacey King pure comedy gold.

This made me feel real old for some reason! It reminded me when I was coaching a team a few years back and was teaching them off ball movement and how to come off screens and I used dale Ellis as an example. I saw nothing but blank eyes. I said google it when you get home! Smh

But I've heard and listened to Stacey king on NBA league pass but not a fan. He isn't bad and has some funny stuff but Anthony is a good fit IMO and a smart move.
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