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Old 11-08-2015, 08:33 PM   #112
AdamJones113's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Patch 1.04 Available Now For Xbox One & PS4, Full Details Included

Originally Posted by jake19ny
Again I agree but that's why I said its a flawed AI. Maybe failed AI would be a better explanation, I think its not that they wont fix it its that they cant....Its unfixable. Your right its been that way fro years and all the patching and tuners fix a few issues but cant fix the core problems. The only way now would be to rebuild it from scratch and that's where the blame goes upstairs because I don't think they will give the resources or funding to do so. Sure the Devs created this AI but its upper management that insists it be kept on life support instead of pulling the plug and starting over. As far as everyone not buying the game, I believe that if sales failed miserably it would not force them to create a better game but rather then pull the plug on the series like EAs MLB series did and NBA for a while. No guarantees someone else steps in and makes a game so it becomes a personal choice for all to have this flawed NHL or none at all. Stinks but it is what it is.
From what I've seen on various forums over the past few years, each year the team has won over a few more converts to their gameplay. From "this sucks" to "a big improvement" to "the gameplay is great, but..." each year each iteration wins over a few more people. It seems like EA is content with making small gameplay upgrades (because that's what puck pickups are) rather than overhauling the AI. [Note: gameplay and AI are two different things, AI is CPU players' mindset while gameplay is overall gameplay.] It's still rough for the fans who aren't won over.
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