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Old 12-09-2015, 08:04 PM   #405
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Knoxville, TN
Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

hey guys, im about to start a fresh madden league with some of my friends, looking to add a couple new users this year. ive been running these things for many years, mostly with the same core group of guys. we're all descent madden players, not top 100 or anything, so im not looking to add elite players. we'll be playong on all-madden difficulty with 7 minute quarters. its hard to keep everyone happy, so ive decided to add a couple rules this year to keep everyone happy and interested for the long run. basically we will not be trading or signing free agents in year one, just using our stock teams. year 2 all free agency is a go, but trades will be limited to user trades and players on the trading block only for cpu trades. year 3 everything is a go. my leagues usually run for 6 or 7 years, so everyone will have plenty of time to do what they wanna do. ill advance once every other day, unless we finish before then. if this sounds something like you might be interested in, please message me on xbox live. my tag is xINTERCEPTERx
xINTERCEPTERx is offline  
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