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Old 12-25-2015, 03:13 PM   #8
OVR: 11
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: Players that should have some ratings edited in FBG Rosters before starting CFM.

Originally Posted by Steelers4190
1. I'm not criticizing the scouts or process in any way shape or form. You are correct they do not have crystal balls.

2. People using the rosters have something scouts don't. The luxury of seeing that a player finally broke out. These roster only work for one season. A guy like Norman's rating should reflect this one season. I am not saying you all should officially change the ratings of a player on the site. The op is asking if there are players that could use tweaks or a slight boost in their franchise and Norman fits that criteria.

Chill out.
The thing I don't understand is why you are complaining. Dan stated when the rosters were being made, different thread, that there was not going to be any updates to rosters after they were finalized. Honestly there shouldn't be any updates to the rosters from Dan or anyone who helped make the rosters because they are true to what was originally stated.

Telling Dan to chill out is disrespectful. He and his volunteers put forth a great effort with the rosters.
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