thats not really a fair or logical way to do it though, you dont give a person a certain card tier because they are more popular or less popular. that defeats the whole purpose of the version.
the version is called "MOMENTS", a moment is a specific point in time, be it one night or a 5 consecutive night span. nothing before or after that Moment should count. thats how they did MJ. his card is based on his first game in the league and that game only. thats how it should be.
if Wiggins goes off for 60 pts, then his card should be based on that game only. dont take his template and boost the stats. base everything on that one game and give him appropriate badges. Remember when Kendall Marshall had that hot run with the Lakers where he had 5 straight double-doubles including a two-game stretch where he had 32 assists? take a card like that and go over his entire stats and base it on that...not what he did in the D-League. that card would have max passing stats. thats only fair. A superstar shouldnt get a Diamond while a non-star gets a silver/gold just because of popularity even though they may have accomplished the same feat.