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Old 01-27-2016, 08:11 PM   #14
Redskins big 3
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Re: MLB The Show 16: Road to the Show Revamped, But Is it For the Better?

Originally Posted by joshjays44
That perk system seems so arcady. Slowing time down to make an important play?...are the players now super heros?. Franchise mode better not have it or this game is moving away from simulation 2 years in a row now with removal of stride with ,15 now perks for ,16?
I have to agree with you. Slowing down the play while batting will be like hitting off of a Tee like Tee Ball. Can you imagine playing live 3rd base and you go into an instant replay like speed to make the play? Definitely too arcade for me. I love the fact that the game changes speeds with different pitchers. Some guys fastballs look like 110 mph because they hide the ball so well and I have no prayer driving the ball hard. Slowing it down kills that intensity.

I shouldn't pass judgement until I see it though. I thought that quick count would never had been for me but I found myself really loving it,.
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