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Old 04-03-2016, 03:10 PM   #77
apollooff320's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Ohio
Re: so frustrated with this game

Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
1. There is no comeback code. If there was it'd happen in every game. You'd be lying if you said it happens every game.

2. Go back to 14 is fine, all A+ shots falling is stupid. There is no such thing as a perfect shot. I know it's frustrating but sometimes you just miss.

Addendum to 1. There is a momentum system. And yes, if it swings hard the other way it seems cheap. Call time outs, change personnel and change your game plan to stop it
I wouldn't say there is no come back code because in past 2Ks we had a clutch slider and the clutch option. When these were off if you played a scrub user there was no close games or him getting lucky and beating you. If you were that good at the game you'll wipe the floor with him all the time. Now these options are hidden in the game and you can't turn them off. I want to see these options back in the game.
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