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Old 06-17-2016, 03:19 AM   #476
OVR: 0
Join Date: Feb 2016
Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

Gamertag: TeddyB522

Age: 20
Work full time on weekdays on west coast.
Mostly avail to play after work & on weekends so I shouldn't have a problem with getting my games in unless if your league's advance is an every day thing.

Looking for Vikings in Madden 17 preferably. (Die hard fan, sadly they're a good team now in terms of madden thats a sad thing so hopefully there's a way we can make it work. I used to be a commissioner and would dislike when people demand a team, but don't really play with any other team so I understand if this seems a bit much)

Already have a group me. You can message me on there my email on group me: [email protected]

Sim rules wanted.
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