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Old 06-18-2016, 12:08 AM   #56
Cowboy008's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

Originally Posted by BleedGreen710
well, on the dev tweets thread there is some doubt (and some stating the opposite) so I'm not sure. Im really hoping the players will change as my team changes. If it shows players who aren't on my team anymore (or my opponents) every game its a huge immersion killer and I personally wouldn't really care how cool and fancy the new intros look. that would completely ruin it for me.
It should show the players you currently have on your roster just like it did in 16. If it doesn't and it just shows the same players no matter if you're in year 1 or year 8 of your CFM then that will be just bad. I don't know why they would even go through the trouble of making the new line up screen just to have the same players on it. They should have just kept it like it was if this is the case.
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