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Old 06-23-2016, 06:51 AM   #24
OVR: 0
Join Date: May 2016
Re: After watching madden 17, i still feel like its ratings need to be spread

Originally Posted by Yazan Gable
Never understood the obsession with using the entire ratings scale. For using in franchise mode it's pointless because you'll eventually replace everyone with players at with 75 OVR minimum and anything below that is back up to retirement tier. I've tried the FBG ratings with the recommended sliders, it just felt like a more sluggish (not more challenging) game.
It makes zero sense at all, unless the game mechanics are designed for the use of the whole scale. Which, its pretty safe to say, they are not.

Thus, working within the provided ranges by position and just stretching it out selectively makes sense if you plan to waste time on everyone's ratings (which IS a waste if you play franchise as the draft classes won't match up).
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