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Old 07-12-2016, 06:24 PM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Re: Best Pitch Types

CPU hitters can have hard times with changes of speed (though it depends on their contact/timing sliders and your pitcher's ratings).

As far as pitches - I like all the exotic ones Forkballs (well I guess that's not that exotic), palmballs, screwballs, knuckleballs, vulcan change. I like the "named" curves (sweeping, 12-6, ideally both to change the break angle)

Among the "regular" pitches, circle change is my favorite, especially if the pitcher has a break that goes opposite, like a cutter or slider, so I can play one off the other and start both in the same spot. Same or close velocity is better for me in this case - it will mimic the other better until the movement.

Second favorite is the 2-seam fastball. Just a versatile pitch, not just for inducing grounders. Sinker here, too I guess...considering they are the same thing with the same movement...2-seam/sinker + CCH is a tough combo.

Strikeout pitch - the pitcher will tell me. I.e. which ever one he's most confident in at the time.
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