Original poster might the only other person I've seen so far with reduced tackle slider
I've gone that route often because this game will never have a legitimate Ai running game unless you lower it....
guys be making plays for the human team all over the field and the CPU ground game sucks every year in Madden because of the inflated tackle slider
they can never return kicks or punts because players have perfect pursuit angles with higher tackle slider
I also love his idea on Blocking sliders because it does take away all other variables mostly all that suction blocking and you can see real penetration by top rated DL vs weaker OL
I've been torn between Pro level and All Madden level using this approach basically just reducing the sliders as low as possible to give the game a more organic feel to it
As he stated not every slider can be at 0 but there are a couple you can set at 0 and players will still make plays and react accordingly
Good job OP especially with the lower tackle slider leads to some awesome animations IMO