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Old 08-30-2016, 02:09 AM   #78
23's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 stick skills will be tested, No more being stuck in Animations? [DimeMag

Originally Posted by raiderphantom
Those are 2 completely different help positions though. Butler is stunting one pass away right there which is usually a no no against any good shooter and Barnes is coming from the weakside. In that case of a breakdown, one of the players up top had to hustle their *** to get to that corner or GS had to rotate from the other side. Barnes can't really recover there.
I think his point was it was still bad defense being played by Barnes.

It's something that I notice on pick and rolls... it's something Live did nicely I'll give them that, show then go back to your man.. doesn't happen here so much.
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