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Old 08-31-2016, 01:56 PM   #352
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by booker21
Yes but that was because the Draw play was on the gameplan. To be honest, these custom playbooks seems like they just throw all kind of plays in there without worrying about the distance or any gameplanning. On 3rd and long (more than 8) you have listed like 15 or more run plays, I know defaults are very very basic but the do take into account this.

Also i will ask for those who created the def PB. Do you see strategy plays or this is a bug?
Ya I got too carried away with plays added. So if I had 90 pass plays on 3rd and long I'd put 10 draw plays but at the same time the pass plays are rated 4-5 stars with 1 draw play in each star category. At least on the final versions. It will never be perfect. Sometimes I see great play calling games then I see some weird things. All I know is for me playing CPU with stock books is frustrating as they throw the ball away 8-9x a game.

Strategy plays?
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